Datarize Blog

Conversion Rate Optimization for Ecommerce #1. Precautions with On-site Banner

Written by Datarize | 3/18/24 11:42 AM


Upon visiting an online store, you encounter numerous banners and pop-ups.
Some invite you to sign up for a membership, others prompt you to install their app, and many offer coupons.


But doesn’t that make you wonder? 

🤔 Is it acceptable for a large sign-up banner to cover the main screen? 
🤔 How many customers might be annoyed by this banner and leave
🤔 Is this banner truly beneficial for my business?


Shall we explore how a carefully crafted on-site banner created by Datarize performs and how much revenue it can generate?


Datarize’s objective is to develop an e-commerce growth solution that leverages easily accessible data for everyone. We provide campaigns that have been proven effective at each stage of the customer's purchase journey.

In this post, we'll explore precautions you must take before using banners.


1. Are banners actually hindering the purchasing journey?

The click rate for On-site banners is typically 3.6%, so that means 96% of customers close them.
You might think: “Since most of the customers close the banners, wouldn't it be better not to have them at all?”

Do you know the average Purchase Conversion Rate (CVR) for e-commerce? It's 2%. This means that 98% of visitors do not make a purchase and leave.

Does this imply that advertising is ineffective because most customers end up leaving? Absolutely not! It is our responsibility to persuade some of our visitors who are considering leaving to make a purchase. After all, that is our job. Similarly, the purpose of a banner is to rekindle a customer's interest before they lose it during their visit.


2. An On-site Banner must play the role of a skilled salesperson.

Think of the experiences you had shopping at an offline store.

What if you were ready to make a purchase with your credit card in hand because you found an item you liked, but the salesperson kept insisting you buy something else? How would you feel if you went to buy pants, but the salesperson kept suggesting jackets instead?

Such an experience would not be pleasant.

There are some precautions you must consider to utilize a banner as a savvy salesperson.

These banner types are an absolute no!! 😡💔📵

Banner that disrupts the purchasing journey
- Banners that block the sign-up / order list / search bar
- Banners that block the GNB or CTA button
- A banner so large it covers the product/ button and increases churn

Banner that irritates customers
- It keeps showing up again, and again, and again… to the same user repeatedly.
- A banner on top of a banner… A banner that shows up in layers all at once.


Examples of common mistakes made with banners

1) A banner that only permits the user to proceed by closing it. Employ this strategy solely when it is imperative that all visitors see the information presented.

2) Instances where two banners appear simultaneously often occur when multiple banner solutions are utilized.

3) A banner that significantly obstructs the screen. Weigh the potential revenue decline against the impacts of banner visibility and screen obstruction.


3. Datarize’s banners stand out from the following distinctions:

Datarize’s banners distinguish themselves from conventional rule-based solutions by not adhering to user-set parameters. Instead, they employ real-time machine learning to analyze the similarity of a visitor's behavior to that of previous customers. By evaluating purchase scores, they display the banner most likely to result in a Purchase Conversion, tailoring to the customer's preferences. For visitors who frequently engage with banners, a variety of them is shown, whereas for those who dismiss them, exposure is reduced to minimize fatigue. As more data is gathered, both the exposure rate and the page displayed are optimized for effectiveness.