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Customer Retention Analytics: Fostering Customer Loyalty - A Maatila Case Study


“After using Datarize, we were consulted on how to interpret Customer Retention Analytics,

and what messages to send to customers accordingly.”


We interviewed Assistant Manager Bu-sung Choi from the marketing team of Maatila, a leading Korean company in the online home and living category. Maatila stands out as a thriving e-commerce brand, particularly popular among customers in their 30s and 40s, thanks to its ambient designs and effective marketing strategies. They have implemented Ecommerce CRM Marketing strengthening customer retention using Datarize. Discover more for yourself!


Assistant Manager Bu-sung Choi, welcome. Could you introduce yourself and share insights about Maatila?


Hello, I'm Bu-sung Choi from Maatila, an ambient living design brand known for its trendy color palette. I work in the 1st Marketing Team, overseeing all advertising operations within the company. Maatila specializes in living design, targeting customers in their 30s and 40s. Our products, from fabric to finish, are domestically produced, ensuring high quality.


🔎 A glimpse into Maatila’s Customer Retention Analytics

Could you please explain Maatila’s overall marketing strategy?

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Recently, competition in the living category has intensified, prompting us to concentrate on personalized Performance Marketing and CRM Marketing through intensive customer retention analytics. Our strategies for revenue during peak and off-peak seasons differ. We analyze First-Time Purchasers, Repeat Purchasers, Non-visitors, Visitors, and Purchase Periods, incorporating this information into our marketing efforts. Clearly, we receive considerable support from Datarize in managing the analyzed data.


Was there a specific motivating factor for Maatila to adopt Customer Retention Analytics?

I've always believed that advertising is crucial because it serves as a process to introduce our brand. Aware of this, we initially relied on short texts and image ads to raise brand awareness without targeting a specific audience. However, I soon hit a barrier in terms of boosting sales. I realized that we needed to deliver our brand communication in more detail, segmenting it by different attributes and characteristics to overcome this hurdle. Ecommerce CRM Marketing based on Customer Retention Analytics emerged as a strategy to effectively share our story, prompting us to quickly embark on it.


So, what type of CRM Marketing is Maatila employing currently?

CRM Marketing is an approach where a brand shares its narrative with customers, who in turn express their needs to the brand. So, could we describe it as marketing based on communication? For instance, I believe the needs of different segments, such as a customer who adds an item to their Cart but doesn't make a purchase, and another who visits twice without buying, vary. To address this, we employ Personalized Messages capable of sending suitable messages to each segment.

Is there a must-check metric for CRM Marketing?

Datarize 'Funnel Metrics'

For us, checking the metrics provided by Datarize Analytics is essential. Among these, we particularly emphasize monitoring the conversion rate after a product view by utilizing Datarize's Funnel Metrics. Surface-level data, such as conversion rates and sessions, are straightforward to understand. However, assessing conversion rates after product views is more challenging. Purchase CVR can appear high due to product placement or promotions on the main page, but many secondary or non-promoted products often remain overlooked. By utilizing data on post-product view CVR,  we identify products with the potential to become main offerings. We then leverage these products in designing our promotions and creating advertising materials.


CRM Marketing Tips from Maatila  &  Datarize

We’re curious why you chose Datarize.

We recognized the necessity for CRM Marketing and made the decision to implement a solution. None of our team members possessed professional knowledge of CRM Marketing, and hiring someone with such expertise would have been a significant burden. While evaluating various solution providers, we chose Datarize for its numerous successful cases in CRM Marketing. Its ease of installation and usability were also commendable.


What were some of your expectations of Datarize during your evaluation phase?

Before utilizing Datarize, we struggled to monitor whether our conversion rate was decreasing and to analyze the reasons behind any decline. Additionally, we faced challenges in establishing personalization rules for the diverse messages sent to each client. Our primary requirement was an accurate assessment of our brand's position and status within the market. Therefore, we sought objective assistance to pinpoint any gaps in our AARRR Funnel and determine data-driven methods for improvement.


Did the improvements solve the issues as you expected?

Of course! It helped a lot. I believe Datarize is the best company we've partnered with. When we ran our previous ads, we couldn’t send specialized messages to our customers, despite each of them having different needs and sending us different signals. It was a shame. After bringing in Datarize, we were able to easily understand messages such as 'non-purchase customers', 'not visited for a year', '50% or more drop in purchase rates'. We also received consultation on what types of messages to send, including various offers and coupons, to increase revenue.


We are glad we could be of help :) How are you utilizing Datarize while doing CRM Marketing?

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Datarize 'Cohort Metrics’


We are currently utilizing Datarize's main feature, Message Campaigns. By employing recommended segments and custom segments, along with sending messages, we are securing revenue. Subsequently, we utilize Message Campaign outcome reports to compare and analyze delivered and undelivered users, similar to an A/B Test. This allows us to determine whether the messages we send are aligned with our objectives.

Additionally, we utilize Cohort Metrics such as store visit rates and industry benchmark to predict the timing for activating our advertisements. Through the reports provided by Datarize, we also analyze our store conditions, product repeat purchase rates, and customer segment analytics.


In your opinion, what is Datarize’s greatest strength for CRM marketing?

I believe it’s accessibility. Just like everybody else, CRM Marketing was difficult to approach, and I didn’t know where to begin. However, Datarize offers an approachable UI, UX, and easily understandable explanations for each metric, making CRM Marketing accessible to anyone. For inexperienced marketers, it’s hard to determine which metric to focus on. But Datarize provides a ‘Key Indicators’ page where you can immediately check the site’s condition.


Do you have a particular group you’d recommend Datarize to?

I'd like to recommend Datarize to anyone seeking an easy way to monitor their site's condition, provide personalized experiences to their customers, and utilize repeat purchase rates and percentages for targeted strategies!


As for a final statement for Datarize

Everyone at Datarize delivers excellent customer service, providing answers to your questions in a manner that's easy to understand. They proactively identify any additional data you may require and promptly provide it. Datarize goes above and beyond by conducting on-site meetings, offering insights into marketing trends, and providing feedback on CRM utilization. Thanks to their support, we've become adept at handling CRMs, leading to improved work efficiency. We're sincerely grateful for their assistance and look forward to continuing our partnership in the future!

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